Notebook LCD white screen


Feb 24, 2005
The LCD onmy laotop (Advent 7009) has died, Im getting a white screen.
I want to acces the pc using an external monitor but Im encountering some problems.
I plug in a monitor, switch on the PC.
The monitor displays the bios load, followed by the 'XP Home' loading splash screen then before I get the login screen The signal to the monitor is lost.
I have tried using fn F5 (The switch monitor function key combo - used this before to view AVI's on a big screen) but dont get anywhere.

I can logon in safe mode and use an external monitor, I just cant seem to get the monitor working with the normal logon screen.

Any ideas Anyone ?
I don't know if you realize it, but the display on a laptop is run by a video card. It may be built onto the motherboard or not, but it's there. It sure sounds like some kind of issue with it. In your case, it really sounds like a driver problem. If you got nothing at all or if it lost signal before you got to the loading Windows screen, I'd have said the card was bad. It may be, but I'd at least try running Windows in Safe mode to see if THAT works. If it does, then remove the video drivers and let Windows load its own generic ones. If it won't go into Safe mode, then I'd head for the repair shop for the bad video.

<font color=green>****</font color=green> Never Assume <font color=red>ANYTHING</font color=red> <font color=green>****</font color=green>
I think there is probably a hardware fault.
The laptop screen is white all the time.
The only output I get is when I plug an external monitor in.
On an external monitor I get the display during the bios checks and while XP loads, but the signal is lost as soon as you get to the logon screen.
I can logon using safe mode.
I think the loss of signal is probably caused by the monitor settings, refresh rate to high for the external monitor or similar, Any Ideas ?
It could well be that the refresh rate is set too high (or the screen resolution set outside the limits) for BOTH screens, when Windows loads. The fact that you can log on using Safe mode means that it's probably not broken hardware, but settings that are wrong. I'd go into Safe mode, then use the System Properties dialog (Hit the Windows key+Pause), then REMOVE the listing for the display adapter. That will automatically remove the drivers and set things to boot into VGA/EGA mode. Then power off the machine and reboot into Windows. It really should work. If that simple method doesn't work, then you may indeed have a busted video card that needs hardware help.

I had some friends who had a similar problem. Turned out to be a bad ribbon cable from the video card to the laptop screen. That was good, since the cables can be bought for around $15, so the most of the cost is labor.

<font color=green>****</font color=green> Never Assume <font color=red>ANYTHING</font color=red> <font color=green>****</font color=green>

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by peartree on 02/25/05 09:43 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Again Thanks,
Heres where I probably sound like a clutz - That said,
* How do I REMOVE the listing for the display adapter ? (I guess, Hardware tab, Device Manager, Display adapter (There is only 1 entry (SIS 650)) BUT no option to remove (If I right click I get enable and disable in the context menu but not REMOVE ?) )
* Even in safe mode I get nothing but a white screen on the laptop all the time, I can log on in safe mode; But only using the external monitor. So I assumed that meant the video card was fine but the laptop screen was not.
No, not klutz, simply someone who doesn't use that tool often. Select the entry with the mouse, then go to the toolbar at the top of the window. You'll see a couple of 'X's in boxes up there. what you want is the second oicon from the right end of the toolbar. If you hover the mouse pointer, it should say 'Uninstall'. Click that and the display adapter should go away. Then immediately shut down the machine and do a cold boot (turn power off and then back on). That will force Windows to refresh the hardware list and it should then look for and find the right drivers on your hard drive.

<font color=green>****</font color=green> Never Assume <font color=red>ANYTHING</font color=red> <font color=green>****</font color=green>