notebook not powering on

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Feb 23, 2017
Samsung NP900X3C-A01CA

The harddrive [ssd mSata] failed on this notebook, so I purchased a new one. I checked with Samsung to make sure the new mSata would work on this laptop. Other than the ssd not working the notebook was running and I was able to use it with a LIVE USB OS. [GParted]
I put the notebook aside while waiting for the new mSata ssd. The battery was fully charged at the time I put it aside, but I left it unplugged as I was not using it.
Yesterday I got back to the notebook to install the new ssd.
I removed the power cord and the battery and proceeded to install the ssd. After everything was back together, I pressed the power button and nothing happened. I left it for a while in case the battery needed charging, but at no time were any lights showing on the face of the notebook.
I tested with a multimeter the power at the adapter pin and was getting 19.6 volts DC.
I tested the power where it connects to the board and got 19.6 volts DC.
I tested the battery and got 7.6 volts DC. I tested the CMOS RTC battery and it was dead.
I disconnected the CMOS RTC battery and replaced it with an exact match [CR1616 3V],the old battery tested at 0 V, the new battery tested at 3.2 volts DC.
I reconnected the power adapter and the battery and pressed the ON switch.
Still not powering up.
I removed the small board on the left of the notebook and cleaned and inspected the place where the power button presses down. Put everything back together, pressed the ON switch.
Still not powering up.
Any ideas what could possibly be wrong?
Depending on how far you had to take the system apart, you could have not hooked up something properly again, or damaged something, or it's a dead motherboard. If it's in warranty contact Samsung and see if they can help.

thanks hang-the-9.
I only removed the small board to the left of the motherboard, it was remove 3 screws, two for the board and 1 for the wifi card. I did not disconnect any cables and I only use a tissue coated toothpick to clean switch area [very gently]. Is there some other test to determine if the board is dead? And what about this thing with the battery reset switch?

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