Nothing powers up. Fans switched on for a second


Jul 3, 2017
I have a amd fx 8350, msi 970a sli krait edition, gtx 960, corsair 650 watt power supply and 1 1tb hdd.

I was using it and the hit the adapter on the wall with my foot and I heard brief shorting noise (from the adapter, not the PC). All the fans and leds went off except for one hdd led blinking. I restarted it and Now it won't switch on at all. I have no fans, no post beeps.
Although the first time I did this, the fans switched on for half a second before switching off again.
I have tried the pin test for the psu and it's fan switched on. I have tried replacing all the adaptors and I have replugged and checked all the internal wires.

I will have the psu checked soon. But could it be that the 24 pin female port on my motherboard is bad. If yes, what can I do. Also please suggest anything else I can do.