About 2 or 3 weeks ago, my computer started locking up (home-built 1.4 athlon, asus mobo, geforce2mx video card, etc.) Well, this past week when it locked up, it took about 3 or 4 tries to get it started all the way, until finally two days ago it totally died. Nothing shows up on the screen at all. Thinking it could be the video card, I place a spare video card in the AGP slot. Nothing. So I figure it's probably the motherboard. Today I splurged and got an athlon 2400 cpu, asus a7n8x (nforce2), new 400 watt power supply, and an msi geforce4ti4200. Lo and behold when I set up my pc, nothing appears on the screen again. WHAT COULD THIS BE?! BTW, I'm still using the old DDR2100 crucial ram from before. One time I did get to the bios, but it locked up. (It also showed an error, CHANGE OF CPU TO 1800-or something to that sort). I checked the monitor. I don't even get the video card bios to load. If anybody could help at all, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks! Jim Heine