Now I've REALLY done it! control passwords2


Feb 24, 2010
Okay I goofed! I went into control passwords2 just to look and I really didn't think I changed anything but apparently boy have I ever! Now I have two users, mine and one that just says other. Mine is now a guest user and the "other" requires a username and password which needless to say I don't have because I never created one. All I did was hit cancel in that control userpasswords2 thingy. Now I can't change anything! UAC, user accounts, system restore, anything! I can't even seem to be able to boot into safemode... I've tried F2, F8, F10 and delete and get the same thing.... It just says Microsoft Windows Vista and I think some diagnostic tool.... whathewhahuh?


Feb 24, 2010
WooHoo I got it! Thank the good Lord for Hiram's! I did finally get into save mode I had to hit the F lock lol. But that didn't work anyway it still brought up the two user accounts and the same scenario. So I used my Hiram's cd and the password recovery tool and voila! Then I booted up to that "Other User" account gave my "Beau" account administrative rights..... But now I can't delete the user account named "Other User" when I go into user accounts and try to manage it there's no delete option??? Any ideas??

LOg into your admin account (or the one you gave admin rights) and follow this video Tutorial



Feb 24, 2010

Hey JDFan, Thanks for the response awesome video! Unfortunately that wont work because it's not a standard user.... It's an administrator. I've tried everything, there's no delete option in user accounts.. I even went back into control userpasswords2 and changed it to a standard user but then it goes right back to Admin. It just says Administrator;Standard User.....

So then it dawned on me. Now that I have given myself Admin. privileges I can use system restore which I did and it worked.... No more "Other User" It still has me quite curious though. What if I didn't have the password recovery tool that comes with hiram's? It sounds like I'd pretty much be stuck doing a complete reinstall of Vista! Well thanks for letting me spout off in here and I still welcome any insights at all.
