NSA Vulnerabilities Trove Reveals 'Mini-Heartbleed' For Cisco PIX Firewalls

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Bwaaaa hahahaha the fascist hacks at the NSA were to busy bullying MS and other companies to put back doors in for them and too busy hacking grandma Miller instead of worrying about real security for all.
This country isn't worried about public security, hasn't been since pre-snowden. It's worried that it might not beable to easly spy on 'everything' in the country/world whenever they want to. The fact they can keep exploits like this 'to themselves' is ludacris. Hell the fact that they got hacked proves they can't be trusted to keep them private. GJ NSA, want to see the conference on this one and who they're blaming instead of taking responsibility for their actions.. it's like dealing with a 12 year old.. let the finger pointing ensue..
KIMONAJANE Aug 20, 2016, 8:35 AM
"Bwaaaa hahahaha the fascist hacks at the NSA were to busy bullying MS and other companies to put back doors in for them and too busy hacking grandma HILLARY instead of worrying about real security for all."

there fixed it for you, good job NSA no way hillary can delete your 33,000 copies of her private server emails evidence that she destroyed.

People keep going on and on about Hillary's private e-mail server....but what about the private e-mail servers used by Senators and Representatives to send "classified" documents to and from Hillary's private server? Maybe people should pay attention to ALL of the news and not just the part that fits their own political agenda.... The FBI stated that they were not filing charges against Hillary Clinton because they could not do a full, proper investigation because they were specifically ordered to ignore evidence of wrongdoing by anyone other than Hillary Clinton. They also informed the Senate that Senators and Representatives were also using private e-mail servers to send and receive "classified" documents. Evidence that the FBI was ILLEGALLY ordered to ignore.
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