ntoskrnl.exe BSOD help


Jan 2, 2016
Hello my name is Drew and sometime within the last 2 or 3 months I built my own PC. Ever since I built it I have gotten tons of BSOD's for a lot of different reasons but according to BlueScreenView almost all seem to be caused by ntoskrnl.exe. I have updated all my drivers and ran memtest 86 and am running out of ideas. As I can tell there is no specific action that sets these BSOD's off as it can happen after hours of gaming (as this is a gaming rig) or right after start up.

BSOD's I have experienced as of today: UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP

from what I have read online it seems RAM is the main problem but memtest86 did not show up with any. Any advice would be great and if I have to take it to the nearest computer repair shop I will, just thought I would ask here first.

PC Specs - Asus B85M-G Motherboard
Nvidia GTX 960
Corsair 500W Power Supply
Crucial 8GB RAM (2 sticks of 4)
Intel i5 4460
Corsair Hydro Cooling, 1 radiator
1TB Western Digital Hard Drive
250 GB Crucial SSD

Hi Drew. I ran into this problem right after my last system build. I spent hours trawling the internet looking for answers, and everything seemed to be pointing towards it being a RAM issue. I did everything you have done, and got the same results. Even tried memory from a different PC, and I was still getting the error. I still don't know what was causing this issue specifically, but after a few days of trying to fix it, I decided to just format and reinstall windows. Haven't had the issue since then. Someone else will hopefully be able to help you out, but if not, it's probably worth doing an OS reinstall before going out and buying new RAM. :)
Hi Drew. I ran into this problem right after my last system build. I spent hours trawling the internet looking for answers, and everything seemed to be pointing towards it being a RAM issue. I did everything you have done, and got the same results. Even tried memory from a different PC, and I was still getting the error. I still don't know what was causing this issue specifically, but after a few days of trying to fix it, I decided to just format and reinstall windows. Haven't had the issue since then. Someone else will hopefully be able to help you out, but if not, it's probably worth doing an OS reinstall before going out and buying new RAM. :)