Ntoskrnl.exe missing or corrupt


Mar 1, 2013
I'm working on an ACER laptop.

First, when I tried booting it it would go through an automatic system repair loop that said nothing and seemed to do nothing. So I got myself a copy of a Vista recovery CD & ran it. I went into the prompt and disabled the automatic system repair. When I restarted the computer it says "ntoskrnl.exe missing or corrupt" (its not a BSOD)

So I put my Hirens disk in and looked at the system32 directory only to find that ntoskrnl.exe is actually there. I then went back to the Vista recovery CD and backed up the mbr and rebuilt it using the cmd prompt. Didn't seem to do anything positive, now I only get a flashing cursor. Doesn't matter what BIOS settings I choose it won't boot. I read ntoskrnl.exe is associated with memory so I ran a chkdsk & a mem86+ only to find nothing.

I'm at a loss. I tried making a virtual machine out of the laptop on my external HD and boot it in vmware but I still get the blinking cursor. This tells me its not hardware, like the chkdsk & mem tests did...

You're going to tell me to reinstall Windows but I can't because there is accounting software on the computer that I cannot get an install file for. I've copied the laptop to my external as a VM & as is partitioned into 2 drives so I can browse the files from my other computer but I cannot run the program because its missing .dll's & .ini's and to try and patch it together I don't know how.

Sorry for the somewhat incoherent rambling I've got a head cold.

Did you ever figure anything out? I'm having same issue.