[SOLVED] Number of screws on motherboard


Mar 28, 2010
Is it OK that there were only three screws that lined up with holes on my motherboard? One of the other screwhole has a small piece that sticks from the case through the hole. But one end of the board can be flexed.

The case came with something called a standoff. It was also supposed to have a standoff wrench, but does not.
That "small piece that sticks [up]" is a centering/positioning pin. Makes it easier to get the first one or two screws in.

But only 3 screws? No, not cool.
Thanks folks.

The case is an NZXT H510 (regular, not Elite; configured for ATX board)
The mother board is Gigabyte B450M DS3H (an mATX board)

I would not have known to look for this without your replies. There are "standoffs" in the case (and one extra in the board's packaging) which can be moved. I have removed the board and in the process of rearranging the standoffs.

Edit: I forgot that yes, I have the instructions that came with the case. It doesn't say anything about the standoffs. It's just a few diagrams and labels so that it can be understood internationally (though not by anyone in any country).
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