Nvida 970 crash black screen no signal


Feb 5, 2014
Can someone please help I have had my Nvidia card for over a year now and for the past two months these random crashes will happen in game which causes my screen to say no signal. After about a minute it comes back on and the game exits and a message will pop up saying the Nvidia driver has stopped responding.

I have used MSI after burner to monitor the temps but they are fine they are not going over 55°C
and i have cleaned my pc but the power percentage goes up to 100%. Could this be the reason? If so, can someone help me fix it? Thanks in advance.

I figured out the problem i found a fix that allowed me to update my GPU bios using command prompt
oh nice do you know were i can get a bios, i got a strange issue with my card and i suspect its got to do with the port issue thing that happens with the 9xx series since lately i have been losing monitor signal when letting the system go idle and not using mouse or keyboard its annoying because i dont play with the mouse and key all the time but i also use a gamepad or watch videos on my pc so its a pain to lose signal in the middle of a video i got a bit stressed out for that since all my hardware is set to never sleep or turn off



These are the links I used to update my GPU bios. The first on has the link to all of the GPU bios versions for both AMD and Nvidia including instructions for both cards, and the second on is a clearer version on how to upgrade you Nvidia GPU bios in case the first one isn't clear enough.

Hope this helps.
my problem is similar to yours but i had no crash or had to hard reset or anything similar in fact its like power config is set to turn off the monitor every 15 or 20 mins i can play still but i have to use the mouse and keyboard to play so that i dont get the black screen