Nvidea Geforce 850m vs 740m

In this case, the first number means the generation (bigger=newer), and the second one means tier (again, bigger=higher). The third one doesn't really mean anything.

So the 850m is actually one generation newer and is one tier above the 740m, so it's definitely better.
In this case, the first number means the generation (bigger=newer), and the second one means tier (again, bigger=higher). The third one doesn't really mean anything.

So the 850m is actually one generation newer and is one tier above the 740m, so it's definitely better.
The 3rd does mean something, it's a further breakdown, hence the 775, 765, 755, etc. exist.

I looked up game debate (which is useless btw with no real world comparison http://www.game-debate.com/gpu/index.php?gid=2206&gid2=1247&compare=geforce-gtx-850m-4gb-ddr3-vs-geforce-gt-740m) and benchmarks and they show the 850m is nearly double the performance of a 740m. The why is simple, just look at those specs.


Really double? I heard so many people saying that 740m is better quality

Ah, I completely forgot about the 'in between' models, thanks.