nvidia 660 ti replaced with msi 970 ti - no driver change?


Dec 7, 2014
i had the 660 ti,i got a new msi 970 ti gaming 4 gig,i went to update the drivers and it says my drivers are up to date,without installing anything after i plugged the card in.....anyone know why?
nvidia (and amd) had long since implemented a unified driver errr... scheme? (sorry cant think of a term lol)
so unless you have a very very old gpu, any gpu under nvidia will work with the latest drivers (even older ones)
enjoy your new gpu. if you ever have problems, just uninstall then reinstall drivers.
some new drivers have problems sometimes, so don't just update with every release unless you have a good reason (like increase perf, bug fixes and the likes). wait for others to test them out first :)