Nvidia 980ti microstuttering when gaming!


Mar 21, 2015
Hello guys , here is my rig stats:

CPU: 5820k at 4.5ghz
Motherboard: X99-A/3.1USB
Graphics: 980TI XTREME WINDFORCE (custom bios 1560/8200)
RAM: RIPJAWS IV 2400MHZ 16GB (2666 oc)
Cooling: Phobya 360lt kit
Power: RM850I

I am expierencing microstuttering in a lot of games mainly when they are not that famous ones , usually when i am playing fps games moving my character forwards and backwards + mouse movement seems in most of the times just fine BUT here comes the pain! when i move sideways + mouse movement starts to microstutter really bad!!!! This is happening too much when i oc my monitor for 60->74hz but everything in desktop , movies , animations seems really smooth and it passed all tests for frame skipping! This stuttering happens also in Battlefield 4 when i have oced my monitor... When i play at 60 hz (yes i can really see the difference from 74 to 60 :fou:) games does not stutter that much , might be just ok might be not but is better than 74hz!
I am always playing my games with Vsync.

I have tried:
1) Reformatting my system (no difference)
2) Reducing my latency from 30ms to 7-15ms help me a bit
3) Changing nvidia drivers (no difference)
4) Stock card bios with stock clock speed (no difference)

I don't know what is this guys i really need some help here! :??:

Maybe your monitor is having trouble at that clock rate. Just stick with 60hz and buy a gsync monitor sometime. I'd rather have lower refresh rates than stuttering. I'd rather play at 30fps super smoothly than 120 with stutter. (Witcher 3 cutscenes play at 27, and look great. Fallout 4 plays at 60 and looks trash because of stutter.)
I agree with you , i prefer to play at 60hz with less stutter but it is really my monitor? Yes i have played Fallout 4 and had stutter at 60 , so games aren't still designed for 60fps? But still why does not stutter when moving forward and backwards but when moving sideways + mouse movement?

Fallout 4 is horribly optimized. Everyone experiences stutter in that game. Even me. You have a 980ti, I've got an r9 380 and it probably plays the same. Second. Fo4 has vsync hard coded, there's no way to turn it off, and so there's no way to achieve anything past 60fps, and hence 60hz

Yeap but cant be that bad in every game , all games will stutter a bit at 60hz when moving sideways+mouse movement but when playing at 74hz is way more noticeable i thought that only sli had problems with that... I really don't thing that it should be like this!


Please check Ram was installed in the right slots, and working in Dual mode. otherwise you will get microstutters if its not.


Yeah turn Vsync off, force off in your panel too, it will just give you input lag.
in Fallout, and instead lock your framerate to your monitor refresh using Dxtory or rivatuner.

Its a messed up game though, If you build your base up, especially over the limit, its will lag when you look at it.
in the city, many get drops down to 45-50fps

Checked it , i have a quad channel as i should with x99 4sticks of ram OC from 2400 to 2666 16gb. Not talking about fallout now , all my games stutter when moving sideways , some of them need some attention to really see it but some others are clearly stuttering. I am playing with Vsync because my screen wont tear , i hate tearing!! but if with frame lock i wont lose any picture quality i will try it. I have uninstalled also rivatuner because was causing trouble for my gpu oc so i will try Dxtory.