News Nvidia Allegedly Kills Off Four Turing Graphics Cards In Anticipation Of Ampere

AMD said it has sorted out its Navi power-efficiency issues, though even if it has, that does nothing about soaring GPU prices.
Wasn't even thinking about power, but how some people still have issues with drivers - though that could just be mob mentality; you can't tell what people are doing to their PCs from the other side of a screen...
AMD should've ironed out most of them though.
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Raise prices on 20x0 cards? Are they crazy? I wouldn't buy one now if they lowered prices on them.

And I would hate to have some 1500+ 2080Ti card right now knowing it will be worth about 500 as soon as the 30x0 series launches.

Cue a mountain of "2080Ti for sale... only used once... only bought last week... i'm not really using it as much as i was going to... i don't game as much as i used to... won in a competition... never opened" fake adverts in next two months!
Don't feel pressured into buying an RTX 20 card at firesale prices just because they are discontinued when RTX 30 is as close as it is and those RTX 20 prices have only one direction to go. Down. You'll get stuck eating a big chunk of depreciation if you buy now. Wait for the prices to bottom out, and then buy one if you must and can't afford RTX 30.
AMD said it has sorted out its Navi power-efficiency issues, though even if it has, that does nothing about soaring GPU prices.
The proto renders JayzTwoCents shows in a recent video (one with 3 fans and one with 2 fans) both have 2x8-pin connectors. That may but subject to change, but what if it isn't? If their 3070 competitor has 2x8-pin, apparently they are still having some sort of power issues when Nvidia's AIB's are showing cards on their websites with a single 8-pin
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