NVidia and AMD multiple monitors?


Sep 30, 2013
I am currently using a GTX 760, and I still have 2x Radeon HD 6850 Turbos from my previous build. I have 2 HDTVs that only have HDMI ports and I do not currently have a Display cable/adapter or a HDMI>DVI cable/adapter, only 2 HDMI cables.

I was wondering if it would be possible to still use the 760 as my main card and use one of the 6850's as just an output via HDMI while I wait for my cables to arrive.

If so, is there anything special that I have to do?

I tried to research this but found limited information about it. I don't really care about PhysX right now.
If you have windows 7 or higher, then yes you can. Once both GPUs are installed, make sure both the NVidia and AMD graphics drivers are installed.

Do you know if it will cause any performance issues other than PhysX being disabled?

If your only gaming on the monitor connected to the GTX 760 then nope. It will actually improve performance since the GTX 760 isn't pumping out frames to multiple monitors.