He's not giving career advice, he's giving life advice. When you are grinding and chasing you don't see what is going on around you. When you wake up your life is over. You might be rich but being rich and old is not the same as being young. He's trying to say he wishes he could have more time to enjoy his money. Its hard for most to grasp, but imagine you had a billion dollars and you've already bought everything you've ever wanted, there comes a time when you realize that its just a means to an end, a very powerful means, but there are more important things. Its like having cheatcodes to a game, the game is no longer fun for the same reasons when you have the cheatcodes. You have to find meaning in things you took for granted when you were persuing wealth. This is one of the first aspects of how you can tell someone is really rich, they no longer care about status symbols, because proving this no longer carries meaning. Like Tom Bombadil in lotr who holds the one ring but it means nothing to him. Its bad career advice, but very good life advice.