[citation][nom]ta152h[/nom]I think what's being lost here is that NVIDIA probably can't build a competitive x86 processor even if they were legally able to. Making a GPU is relatively simple and doesn't approach the complexity of making an x86 CPU that is competitive with Nehalem based processors, and successors. Even AMD, who has been in the processor market forever, can't make a competitive processor, and lives on the bottom like a catfish, eating the excrement and fallen algae. NVIDIA would have a problem even doing that, and they be battling AMD for the carrion. Already, AMD is lucky if they are profitable with their CPUs, so it's doubtful NVIDIA wants to even attempt that. It's a brutal market to be in, and the competition from Intel is extremely strong. NVIDIA wants no part of it.[/citation]
Slow down intel fanboy , the big profits are not in the high end market as you might think, it`s on the entry part but as usual ppl always go buy from the company that has the fastest producs even though they will not that buy that in particual. AMD/Nvidia > Intel GPU but still Intel outsells each of them in IGP sales. Same about CPUs the entry cheap CPUs makes the profit where AMD is better than Intel but they only lack marketing and huge founds for Advertising.