[SOLVED] Nvidia Control Panel Settings


Feb 2, 2017
Hello ! I just want to find out what settings of nvidia are good.
I'm using a Zotac Geforce GTX 1050 2gb Mini. I searched on internetfor some settings for best performance :

Image Sharpening : off (default)
Ambient Occlusion : off (default)
Anisotropic filtering : off (default : application-controlled)
Antialiasing - FXAA : off (default)
Antialiasing - Gamma correction : on (default)
Antialiasing - Mode : off (default : application - controlled)
Antialiasing - Setting : None (default : application-controlled)
Antialiasing - Transparency : off (default)
Cuda - GPUs : All (default)
DSR - Factors : off (default)
DSR - Smothness : off (default)
Low Latency Mode : on/ultra (default: off - it's like Maximum pre-rendered frames)
Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA) : off (default)
OpenGL rendering GPU : Auto-Select (default)
Power management mode : high performance (default: optimal power)
Shader cache : on (default)
Texture filtering - anisotropic sample optimization : on (default: off)
Texture filtering - Negatuve LOD bias : allow (default)
Texture foltering - quality : high performance (default : quality)
Texture filtering - trilinear optimization : on (default)
Threaded optimization : on (default : auto)
Triple buffering : off (default)
Vertical sync : off (default : use the 3d application setting)
Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames : 1 (default)

Here I just wrote the settings for performance (global settings).
I don't want each game to have its own settings, that's why I use global settings. My question is what happens if I use in game 8x anisotropic filtering and here in nvidia control panel it is set to off (the lowest quality). Is it like I would set it to off in the game ? Does it decrease performance just because in game I have different settings to nvidia ones ? What settings should I use for Nvidia ? Default or performance ? In the 3rd case there would be the performance settings set by nvidia : when you go to adjust image settings with preview --> Use my preference emphasizing : performance , settings made by nvidia and which are a little bit different to the ones that I just presented to you, for example the first settings are set to off too, but the texture quality is set to quality, power management mode is optimal, not high performance. I just informed myself about all of these settings, I found out that there is no difference between optimal power management mode and the high performance one because in the last setting the gpu will run at max clock even I am not playing a game, but others say it is good to be set to performance because sometimes the gpu doesn't run at max clock when it needs to. I don't know what to do. The same as threaded optimization which is good for some type of games like Fortnite, Pubg but for others not.
So the options are :
  1. Default (making graphics setting only in-game, not nvidia)
  2. Preference emphasizing : performance
  3. The settings I presented to you
  4. Default : Modifying only the power management mode and letting all other settings to default, like anisotropic filtering being application-controlled and so on.
Sorry for my bad English.
Hey there,

No apologies needed. You've explained pretty well what your problem is.

My advice is to go simple. Don't use Nvidia Control panel to set up games. Set global and game settings at default. Then use the in game settings to turn on/off the settings you mentioned.

Using both (Nvidia Control panel and in game settings) introduces too many variables for simple set up.

Although those options like you've mentioned points 2-4 will not give you extra FPS or anything, well not really. The most important ones will be things like AA, AF, Post processing, motion blur, shadows etc. These can all be managed in game, and will allow you to increase FPS depending on what settings you choose, what resolution you play at, and also what the...
Hey there,

No apologies needed. You've explained pretty well what your problem is.

My advice is to go simple. Don't use Nvidia Control panel to set up games. Set global and game settings at default. Then use the in game settings to turn on/off the settings you mentioned.

Using both (Nvidia Control panel and in game settings) introduces too many variables for simple set up.

Although those options like you've mentioned points 2-4 will not give you extra FPS or anything, well not really. The most important ones will be things like AA, AF, Post processing, motion blur, shadows etc. These can all be managed in game, and will allow you to increase FPS depending on what settings you choose, what resolution you play at, and also what the rest of your components are.

Listing you specs will help some here.
Well, I don't have any fps problem (I have minimum 60 in every game). I just wanted to know if I there is a way to increase performance because why not, the more fps I have, the better it is. I tried overclocking but it is not worth it ( 5 fps, really ? ). Maybe Cpu overclocking would be a great idea, but I don't know how to because my Motherboard is so old and I don't think I have options like that included.
GPU : Gtx 1050 2gb mini
RAM : 14 gb
CPU : i5-750 (it's sad)
Motherboard : Asus Aspire M5810
And instead of changing my cpu, I decided to buy a 1366x768 monitor and my games run very well now. I mean I bought this gpu 3 years ago, the other one was an AMD R7 240, the old monitor had VGA port and I had to switch to HDMI because the adaptor method didn't work well (sometimes the display was having transmission problems, turning itself off and on). The second one (hdmi) was a 1920x1080 one, so it meant a performance decrease in my games. Now I have 2 monitors, this one and a 1366x768 DP (display-port) one.
The situation was that, as you could see, I should have bought also another RAM, I needed DDR4 not DDR3, also a motheroard and I didn't want to spend so much for a "gaming" pc.
Playing 720p on a 1080p monitor was horrible so my idea was to buy a 720p native one that wouldn't show bad pixels.
If you have better options to gain extra fps, feel free to tell me c:
Thank you so much for the response, I had the same opinion but I decided to ask someone more experienced.
I'll keep them default 😀
Okay, but you do realise, that if your monitor is only 60hz, then no matter what FPS you get with MSI afterburner/Fraps or whatever, your monitor will only display 60 fps on screen.

So, although MSI afterburner, might show you that your getting 80fps, your monitor may only be capable of showing 60 fps. The reason for this is that the FPS measured by MSI afterburner or fraps, is measured at the GPU, not the monitor.

This might sound confusing, I know, but it's true.

List the model of the monitor you use for gaming. If you get 60 fps already then anything you do to 'increase' fps is not actually something you will see on the screen.

edit: your base system is really old now. Your CPU is a bit weak. The GTX1050 is okay with your system, but I would advise not to put any more money into your system. You need to look at upgrading the system soon.
I didn't receive a 60 fps response at all games when I had that 1080p monitor, for some I had 45 fps let's say. I also wanted to play using at least medium settings, not the lowest ones.
Thank you for your reply, no one has ever responded so fast to me :)
No problem. I'm glad to help. If you have questions about anything you can PM me. I may not get back straight away, but I will respond.

Yes, the 1050 2gb is not capable of 60fps at 1080p. That's why you had drops. You need a 3-4gb GPU like a GTX1060 3gb, or GTX1050ti 4gb, or RX570 4/8gb for medium settings with 1080p 60hz/fps.

But, next upgrade for you is your base system. New CPU/Ram/Mobo.