Since a few days this thing has been on my mind and I have to write it down for others to discuss...this is purely my opinion and i admit i can be wrong but to me it seems like this...and before anybody starts talking garbage i have an nvidia 9600gt for a long time in my sig and have been very pleased with it... goes....
nvidia to me, it seem, is committing a fraud and making a fool out of customers who have limited knowledge in computer hardware and getting money by misleading novice customers ...
Like for instance naming the gtx260 and gtx260 core 216 as simply when a person looks at a review and in the charts it says gtx260 (when actually it is the gtx260 core-216 card) running better then lets say a 4870, he wants to buy it and looking at a cheap price on newegg, buys it, thinking he got such a nice deal, but he failed to realize that he got an inferior card which is the older and real gtx260 -192 core .....
similar is the case with the newer core g94 vs g92 on the 9600gso, nvidia quietly dropped half of the processors from 96 to 48 and increased 192 bit to 256bit without mentioning anywhere on the box or website .....leading to significantly worse performance ....check it out on newegg in essence thats a fraud in my view b/c u r getting something different for your money without you knowing it...
I hope this doesnt go around too long as i read on expreview the upcoming super dooper GTS 250 is actually nothing new but a re badged 9800gtx+.....ok i can already see 15 year olds buying a GTS series card over the older 9800 series and paying a hefty premium.....but its just wrong in my view as nvidia is playing with its customers...other then that why the hell would u need a newer name for an old product.... can anybody give me a geniune reason
...ok no fighting now please
nvidia to me, it seem, is committing a fraud and making a fool out of customers who have limited knowledge in computer hardware and getting money by misleading novice customers ...
Like for instance naming the gtx260 and gtx260 core 216 as simply when a person looks at a review and in the charts it says gtx260 (when actually it is the gtx260 core-216 card) running better then lets say a 4870, he wants to buy it and looking at a cheap price on newegg, buys it, thinking he got such a nice deal, but he failed to realize that he got an inferior card which is the older and real gtx260 -192 core .....
similar is the case with the newer core g94 vs g92 on the 9600gso, nvidia quietly dropped half of the processors from 96 to 48 and increased 192 bit to 256bit without mentioning anywhere on the box or website .....leading to significantly worse performance ....check it out on newegg in essence thats a fraud in my view b/c u r getting something different for your money without you knowing it...
I hope this doesnt go around too long as i read on expreview the upcoming super dooper GTS 250 is actually nothing new but a re badged 9800gtx+.....ok i can already see 15 year olds buying a GTS series card over the older 9800 series and paying a hefty premium.....but its just wrong in my view as nvidia is playing with its customers...other then that why the hell would u need a newer name for an old product.... can anybody give me a geniune reason
...ok no fighting now please