Nvidia driver 353.30 black screen


Aug 26, 2015
recently updated to nvidia driver 353.30 and windows 10 since game textures weren't appearing as they are meant to and now I can't do anything... HELP PLEASE!!!

Help please...
I have recently updated to Windows 10 and as a result I noticed some of the textures in my game were missing and it was a result of me not updating my driver. When I found this out I updated my driver to 353.30. On installation my monitor went black and the screen has gone since. I have connected another monitor to it and since it hasn't shown any output from the PC onto the screen.

I have also attempted to start in safe mode, but my Computer doesn't load up the keyboard for some reason, but it loads up my mouse. Finally I have taken my Graphics Card out multiple times and it still won't change a thing.

Please help
The latest Nvidia drivers are 355.60

If you have graphics or driver issues, one of the most common fixes is a clean uninstall and removal of your graphics drivers.

To uninstall your drivers, first download and run Display Driver Uninstaller, and follow it's recommendations of booting into safe mode and ect.
(This is a direct download link so you don't grab the wrong version)

You'll download a compressed file called "[Guru3D.com]-DDU.zip"
Right click and choose extract.
Go into the folder and run the DDU v##.##.exe
This will extract more files to this folder.
Run Display Driver Uninstaller.exe
Choose Yes when it asks you to boot into SafeMode.
After you've rebooted into safe mode.
When DDU comes up, if it hasn't selected your GPU manufacturer (Nvidia/AMD/Intel) then choose it from the drop down list
Press the Clean and Restart option
If a window comes up asking to disable the Windows automatic installation of display drivers click yes.

After (or before removing the old drivers, just put the new ones on the desktop or somewhere handy) rebooting back into Windows, manually download the latest drivers from Nvidia or AMD, don't use auto detect, choose you GPU model and OS from the drop down lists.
Nvidia: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
AMD: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download