NVIDIA Geforce 920m


Nov 13, 2015
This is a so called gaming laptop. Wondering if it can run Source based games i.e CSGO/CSS, and Arma 3


EDIT: Using Laptop insteas of PC because i can take it to friends houses.
Here is your definitive answer, on what you can expect out of the Nvidia 920m for games.

It will handle modern games (as of 2014/2015) in low settings.

Low resolution, with most of the game, graphical details on low. with little anti aliasing.

I would expect the 920m to have a harder time trying to run Arma 3 to be honest. I think you will find that CS GO will run a bit better.

Frame rate expectations at a rough guess depending on resolution 28 to 36 fps.
I would just drag my desktop to a friends house, I could build a desktop that would make that laptop look stupid for $600. But if your sure it should be okay for CS GO but arma 3 is another story I doubt it would run very well at all even on the lowest settings, a GT920M is a pretty weak video card.
Wouldnt let me reply to you dunlop, ty for reply. One time i put my old desktop in a duffle bag and brought it to my friends house lol. Anyways, I prefer a laptop for mobility, is a GT 840m bette rthan 920m? I heard it was
Here is your definitive answer, on what you can expect out of the Nvidia 920m for games.

It will handle modern games (as of 2014/2015) in low settings.

Low resolution, with most of the game, graphical details on low. with little anti aliasing.

I would expect the 920m to have a harder time trying to run Arma 3 to be honest. I think you will find that CS GO will run a bit better.

Frame rate expectations at a rough guess depending on resolution 28 to 36 fps.

Yeah by a little bit. The real jump in performance is going from the 840m to the 850m and up, if you can afford something with an 850m I would go for that. Check this out below.
