I was looking to fix this board, used for regular desktop activities without an issue, max was a quake2-ish game that kept the board at 65 deg C. No fan attached to its radiator; I have had it for 2 - 3 years second hand.
Recently while switching between browser tabs in a Win 8.1 the dreaded "Display driver crashed but successfully recovered" message came on. Few minutes later it came on again, and again, etc until the PC halted.
- rebooting into Win 8.1 fails
- rebooting into Linux OK, but the graphics were mostly frozen
- rebooting into WinXP OK, working fine - BUT - no dedicated drivers for the card under this OS, just running it off the stock driver at low res.
- BIOS / GRUB / Win8.1 bootloaders running fine with the board.
Two of the electrolythic fat caps are swollen, but I don't think that's my issue. The rest of the parts are visually looking fine. Suspecting one of the RAM modules or the GPU. Thing is I have taken out the radiator and thus broken the conductive paste seal, so I couldn't easily put it back and run some RAM / GPU software tests.
My questions
1. Any software testing tool that might work on this graphics card ? It should also run from a boot disc or in WinXP
2. Any way to further investigate without re-applying conductive paste ?
Thank you!
I was looking to fix this board, used for regular desktop activities without an issue, max was a quake2-ish game that kept the board at 65 deg C. No fan attached to its radiator; I have had it for 2 - 3 years second hand.
Recently while switching between browser tabs in a Win 8.1 the dreaded "Display driver crashed but successfully recovered" message came on. Few minutes later it came on again, and again, etc until the PC halted.
- rebooting into Win 8.1 fails
- rebooting into Linux OK, but the graphics were mostly frozen
- rebooting into WinXP OK, working fine - BUT - no dedicated drivers for the card under this OS, just running it off the stock driver at low res.
- BIOS / GRUB / Win8.1 bootloaders running fine with the board.
Two of the electrolythic fat caps are swollen, but I don't think that's my issue. The rest of the parts are visually looking fine. Suspecting one of the RAM modules or the GPU. Thing is I have taken out the radiator and thus broken the conductive paste seal, so I couldn't easily put it back and run some RAM / GPU software tests.
My questions
1. Any software testing tool that might work on this graphics card ? It should also run from a boot disc or in WinXP
2. Any way to further investigate without re-applying conductive paste ?
Thank you!