Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Passive Cooling Mod

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you know setting the fans to even minimal (20-30%) where you cant detect an audible difference would be safer and nearly as quiet... but I digress
The problem is, that the marketing is telling us that it works. I ordered an original passive card directly from a manufacturer and will check it in a short follow-up. Without any airflow in the case this must fail 😉

It immediately reminded me of Sapphire's R9 Fury Tri-X:

It looks like the large tail of that Cooler isn't even doing anything. No point in making a passive cooler that big if it can't transfer the heat.

I would much rather see a passive water cooled setup with no fans, only the pump.

What makes you say that? The heat pipes extend the length of the cooler, even the fins at the end should be absorbing and dissipating some of the heat.
The best if to put a 120mm fan on top of the gigantic passive heatsink at 600-800rpm. no audible noise. Massive improve in temps.

Add vrm, memory heatsink, even better.
Wish there was benchmarks, to have more of a tangible insight on performance vs active cooling. Made me read :-(

My conclusion is you're wasting your money if you get the "Ti" for passive cooling.
All three games we tested (Metro: Last Light in 1440p, GTA V and The Witcher 3 in 1080p) take a 21% performance hit compared to MSI's stock configuration. At the same time, though, power consumption drops below 60% of the original measurements. Taking into account the 4% slow-down imposed by our 80% power target, the potential loss of performance due to passive cooling doesn’t seem as disheartening as before.
You will lose approx. 20% to 23% of the normal 1050 Ti performance if you are run the card heated on (depends at game). So you can calculalate each game by yourself, the 1050 Ti benches are available around the world :)

I agree. In a 100% passive case there definitely needs to be VRM cooling at a minimum. You can buy tiny heatsinks for cheap, it certainly wouldn't hurt to stick one on. I think overheating VRM, not GPU, is why their power was being throttled.
It would hard to measure the memory temps or even cool it under the gpu heatsink, but it was probably a little warmer than what was being measured through the back of the card. I wouldn't be happy if my memory was over 80C

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