unlike dragoncyber i won't be quite so polite with nvidia:
i bought an 8800gtx back in late 2006, which i still have, as it is a good card still, but my initial dissapointment came with the discovery that the 8800gts actually beats my cards in some test (WTF)!
what's with that policy of always selling two high-end cards, that are almost similar?
as it stands, looking at the 9800gtx and the 9800gx2, i simply see no real leap forward in perfomance to my card, furthermore amd/ati's offering has impressed me more since the release of the 3870, 3870 x2 and now the 4850 !
needless to say, i am actually looking forward to the 4870 and 4870 x2 !
end of the day i am looking at performance charts, and i at least used to always buy the winning card:
not anymore!
... because paying top dollar no longer means you get the fasted (!), it means you get the fasted on average, and you have to check out the benchmark for the induvidual games you actually play (WTF)!
nvidia, if i am to spend money on a performance crown, then i expect to get a crown ruling over at least its own subjects!
BTW nvidia, you sat on your lazy, fat arses for almost two years, doing absolutyely NOTHING until amd/ati's 3870x2 actually took the performance crown from you, only to "JUST" beat it with your 9800gx2 A FEW WEEKS LATER?!??
... are we really to believe THAT product only just finished in time for you to take back the crown within weeks? ... -> bullshit, guys!
besides, you were after all just rehashing 'old' technologies from your 8800 series cards and then rebranding them with a new name!
as for the dip-shits at tomshardware: it is increasingly obvious to note how you've finally realised on which side of the bread the butter is ...