Nvidia Geforce GTX 770 having low fps on games? GPU or not?


Dec 20, 2013
I've been playing games like Dragon Age Inquisition and Black Ops 3. I have noticed that I have gotten lots of lag and lag spikes. So I'm wondering if it is my GPU? Or something else? Because I've been thinking of getting a new GPU.

Benchmark/Setup: http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/9486150?
The 770 is getting outdated if u want to continue to use It - which there is nothing wrong with the 770 is still a nice card - then u will have to play with settings and start optimizing games to get an enjoyable experience. The 770 cannot play new games at max settings it just isn't going to happen.

Search each game and its optimizations online and see what other people with your card used. YouTube is good for that. Also go into the nvidia control panel and u can optimize any 3d program u want through this.
The 770 is getting outdated if u want to continue to use It - which there is nothing wrong with the 770 is still a nice card - then u will have to play with settings and start optimizing games to get an enjoyable experience. The 770 cannot play new games at max settings it just isn't going to happen.

Search each game and its optimizations online and see what other people with your card used. YouTube is good for that. Also go into the nvidia control panel and u can optimize any 3d program u want through this.