>3.5 stars for what is a fairly negative review.
3.5 denotes a "meh" product, ie not great, but not terrible. IMO it fits the bill. Whether you agree with that depends on your own predisposition.
I think most every reviewer agrees on the basics: 4060Ti's improvement is only marginal over its predecessor, and 8GB VRAM isn't enough. Where they differ is how much weight they put on the positives vs those two negatives.
It's perfectly normal to see a range of opinions. THW's take is roughly same as ArsTechnica's view, ie "not great, not terrible." If you prefer a more negative slant, Hardware Unboxed's "laughably bad, don't buy" does go all the way into the "terrible" spectrum.
Again, HUB's take isn't wrong, but has Steve admitted himself in the piece, he's taking on a more activist or agitator role in forcing Nvidia/AMD to push the VRAM allotment higher. IMO, that's above and beyond the role of a reviewer, but I empathize with both sides of the coin.