Nvidia GPUs to Help Simulate a Bee's Brain for Flying Robots

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what if the bees brain needs a GPU to be overclocked to reach the bees brain power?
Next step: Reverse engineering the bees' pathfinding.

Hopefully games that use a lot of pathfinding, such as Starcraft or SimCity, eat up less CPU resource.
Imagine sending a group of robotic bees to sting enemy troops with a toxic poison or deliver disease? Maybe put explosives on them and they can explode when close to enemy troops or near ammo dumps?
Stop polluting the environment and we won't need to rush those damn robots to do something that is being done for free by those lovely creatures that gives us honey.
Is that hard to try not to kill everything in our path that we already need alternative creatures to replace the ones we are killing to extension?
Anyone else read "search and rescue missions" and immediately thought "search and destroy missions"?

Something like this is far more likely to be used for reconnaissance missions in places like the US-Mexico border and if the drone is smart enough to patrol and return to a "base" to recharge by itself, contacting a human operator only when necessary, then the tactical possibilities are enormous.
Next step: extinguish the bees. "So you dont pay royalties to our company? Ok see how much our bees care about pollinizing your crops"
Thats much more common than you think (google "monsanto")
[citation][nom]Dkz[/nom]Stop polluting the environment and we won't need to rush those damn robots to do something that is being done for free by those lovely creatures that gives us honey.Is that hard to try not to kill everything in our path that we already need alternative creatures to replace the ones we are killing to extension?[/citation]

Ever heard of Colony Collapse Disorder? Ever heard of using it for something else other than pollination?

For example, a synthetic version of shark skin repelled all of the bacteria and fungi from it, and maybe deployed to hospitals to counter antibiotic resistant diseases that keep breeding there.
"IBM recently estimated that the human brain is capable of more than 35 Pflops (the world's fastest supercomputer currently peaks at 20.1 Pflops)."
This is as interesting and as full of truth as assumptions made by some people saying that the brain has X teraBYTES of storage capacity. Since when do we think like GPUs in a computer does? and do they really think that we store information in our brain as BITS? wut.

How can you compare 2 very different things?
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