Nvidia GTX 1050 ti vs GTX 1050 ti OC versions


Dec 2, 2014
Zotoc Gtx 1050 ti
Zotac Gtx 1050 ti OC

i'm in a bit confusion choosing a gtx 1050 ti. Is it worth going for OC version. And how much more FPS will it increase and can i get 40 FPS @ 1080p for upcoming games with gtx 1050ti @ all maxed.
And i dont have much experience with Zotac but asus, MSi card expensive so is it safe going with zotac or should spend more to get asus or MSI or gigabyte cards?


Please Help Guys

Source is legitreviews.com, resolution was 1080p, details high. In BF1, 1050ti was 53avg/46min, 1050 was 46avg/40min for about 15% faster (not 10%). Gears of War 4, ultra details 1080p. 1050ti - 49/40, 1050 - 37/30 (20-25% faster). Deus Ex - 1080p/high - 1050ti - 33/28, 1050 - 29/24 - (15% faster).

So - looking at about a 15-25% increase on the stock speed 1050ti (not even the...
The difference between those two cards is in the cooling system and the fact that the OC version is already overclocked. You could get the cheaper one, and overclock it yourself, but you probably won't get as far as the OC version because it has the better cooling system.

To be honest, if you can afford the OC version, get it. The cooling system is a bit more limited on the non-OC version and you might as well get as much performance as you can. Zotac is a pretty well respected brand and have been around for quite some time so you should be in good hands there.

Performance wise, the 1050ti OC wallops the stock 1050 (not sure about the stock 1050ti). Considering that they get about a 10% overclock on the OC model, you'll probably beat the non-OC by 10% (unless you of course overclock the basic 1050ti...). Most DX12 games hit 50+ fps minimums at HD resolutions (1920x1080) and can actually hit 40+ at 1440p so you should be well covered.
There won't be much. In 1080s the fps difference is about 7fps in the OC version over the reference card. You won't be able to max out much in 1080p with a 1050 Ti but you should be able to rock 60fps in medium settings.

For those cards you might get 2-3 more fps in the overclocked one. Just depends if thats worth it to you.

I don't know where you got that information, but the 1050 Ti is only 10% better than the 1050, regardless of overclocking. With overclocking that still only equates to 2-3 more fps. for about 20% more in price.

Plus those fps benchmarks you are referring to are on MEDIUM settings. No way a 1050 Ti is going to hit 40fps on anything on ultra 1440p.

Thanks a Lot.
And what will you recommend more from Asus,MSI,gigabyte and Zotac if price not mattered
Zotac is reputable as other brands?
because the price is zotac is little cheaper than other so generally cheap products are cheap quality.
Just a myth tough 😀
Im i good go with Zotac OC right?
because with the price OC Versions of asus and msi i can almost get an RX 470 @ 16000 Rs

Source is legitreviews.com, resolution was 1080p, details high. In BF1, 1050ti was 53avg/46min, 1050 was 46avg/40min for about 15% faster (not 10%). Gears of War 4, ultra details 1080p. 1050ti - 49/40, 1050 - 37/30 (20-25% faster). Deus Ex - 1080p/high - 1050ti - 33/28, 1050 - 29/24 - (15% faster).

So - looking at about a 15-25% increase on the stock speed 1050ti (not even the overclocked) is a significant difference. But it -does- have to come at a good price. And yes, a rx470 or GTX 970 are significantly faster.

You may be right about the 1440p and it might be closer to 30s or less - but at 1080p the numbers are correct.

Thanks a Lot
i will buy 1050 ti OC if the price is not that high and the confusion was choosing Zotac , now i think i will get zotac as Asus, MSi price so high.