Nvidia GTX 600 Series Memory Voltage?


Aug 15, 2013
Hello Everyone,

I recently flashed a modded BIOS on my Asus GTX 660 Ti DirectCU II which raised the core voltage to 1.212 Volts (The maximum voltage allowed by the hardware on 600 series cards, with the exception of the MSI Power Edition Cards), and was able to get my core to 1254 Mhz Max Clock. However, the BIOS Mod does not affect the memory voltage and so the max I can get my memory is +450, for an effective memory clock of 3456 Mhz.I did some research, and could not find anything on whether or not it is possible to change the 600 series cards' memory voltage (with the exclusion of the MSI Power Edition Cards). If anyone knows any way for me to squeeze some more power out of this card, especially the memory, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Yeah man the +450 on the memory does affect performance. Not that much, but it does and at this point I'm trying to get as much out of this card as I can. I can actually take it to +700 without artifacts, but after about 10 minutes in heaven or any other GPU intensive application, the fps drops significantly and then the only way to restore the performance is a reboot. This doesn't happen at +450 MHz (I'm experimenting with values in between), but I assume this is some sort of overclocking protection done by the card because I'm pushing it too hard. That's why I'm curious to know if there is any possibility of unlocking the memory voltage, or if it is hardware limited / locked. Thanks for the response!
If you are sure you need it then overclock the memory.
But for what you've described I think it is an overheating problem.
Because you don't get artefacts at start and the card slows down after a while which clearly is due to too high temps.

So if the cooler allows you, you can put small ram beatings on the memory chips, they cost £5 per 8pcs.
If it doesn't then stay at +450 because you may damage you card if you OC it any further.

Hmm, that may be a possibility. I monitor my core temperatures during these tests and they don't exceed 60 degrees, but it's possible that my memory may be overheating because there is no way to monitor the memory chip temps. But I still think its unlikely that this is the reason because my case has excellent airflow and I run both my GPU fans at 100%. In addition, the problem clears itself immediately when I restart my machine, regardless of if I restart it a few seconds after the issue starts, or a few hours after it happens. I'm thinking it is simply instability which could be solved by upping the memory voltage, but I guess that isn't possible on the 600 series cards.