nvidia gtx 660 on 450w power supply


Jul 12, 2013
hi, can i run a gtx 660 in a 450w power supply, i have read in their website that the minimum psu for a gtx 660 is a 450w but it is safe to go with the minimum?
well, that PSU have 2 12V rail and an amperage of 15A on 17A giving you a total of 32A which is good. you also have an antec PSU and IMHO, antec PSUs are the best PSU out there. you can run the GPU but what are your other components like CPU, RAM, PCI equipments? we have to make sure that you will have enough power
I have an i3-540 and 4gb of ram, i don't have any pci equipment. i have used an online PSU calculator and they said that i can run it in my current PSU. i am concerned on the 12V rail matters because im no expert in PSUs
Also, I don't mean to sound cynical, but the PSU I recommend is 20$ cheaper.

It also provides 30W more power, and has 10% more Amperage on the 12V rail.

And since it's XFX, it's top notch quality because Seasonic make XFX' PSUs (if you weren't aware, Seasonic are the absolute leader in PSU manufacture - ipso facto, the XFX PSUs are mint.)

Antec's are good. But not as good as XFX/Seasonic.
i'd like antec PSUs because i'm using it since i bought my first computer and i can say that their PSUs are very reliable. dont get me wrong but i'm a real Antec fan even though some says that Seasonic are better
It's not "some" that say Antec are better - it's general consensus that Seasonic are better than everyone

Seasonic are the best, hands-down. I'm not even a fanboy - I've never owned a Seasonic PSU - it's just general knowledge that they are in a completely different league compared to other manufacturers.

However, it's up to you :)