Nvidia GTX 660 or Nvidia GTX 760 for Battlefield 4


Dec 25, 2013
I know that the 760 will be able to run Battlefield 4 smoothly, but what about the GTX 660, it's so much more cheaper and would save me a lot. I want the GTX 660 to be able to run Battlefield 4 on 1080p or 720p, Medium settings or above.
I've had a lot of support with my previous questions so it would be nice if you could help again, it means a lot to me, thanks.
If you think gtx 760 is more priced than you wan't to buy, then r9 270x or r9 270 will be good for you. It really performs near to gtx 760 (almost equall) and is priced around the price range of gtx 660.

Will the r9 270x be able to run on high settings on 1080p, by the way if what you're saying is true about it performing nearly the same i'll be so happy 😀

Yes, r9 270x performs near to gtx 760. And you will be able to play on very-high to ultra with no aa ofcourse.

Thanks so much dude you've been a great help