Nvidia gtx 780 ti?


Oct 29, 2013
I've been looking to get a new graphics card and was looking at a couple of options when I saw that the 780 ti is coming out in a couple of days. I play on a 1440p monitor and want to run things on ultra. I've been looking at were the Evga gtx 780 (ACX Cooler) and was about to buy it when I saw some leeked benchmarks on the 780 ti (obviously they might not be 100% real). My question is do you think it would be worth spending the extra ~$170 for the 780 ti or is the 780 better for the money, especially considering that the 780 has the acx cooler where as the 780 ti has the reference. Any enlightenment on this subject is greatly appreciated!
Exact performance specs arent available for the 780ti IIRC, but its expected price/performance ratio is nearly guaranteed to be poor. Given the r290x dominance over the 780, and occasional infringement on the Titan's seat...the 780ti would have to be priced identically to be a valid competitor.

Ive been in the "green camp" for a while, but neglecting AMD's new flagship is hard.

If youre choosing between the 780 and 780ti...i'd go 780 and SLI in the future: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130942
I did consider the R9 290x but after I received mine and it was filled with errors (and then getting a replacement filled with errors again) I decided to not go with the new R9 series. Thanks for the info, kinda figured that the 780 would be the better bet just needed a second opinion.