I am getting ready to rebuild my gaming PC. However, I am holding off on replacing my Asus GTX 970 at this time out of concern that Nvidia may release either an update or successor to the current GTX 1000 series within the next three months and don't want to shell out the money on a model that may soon be replaced. I have heard of the likelihood that Nvidia will announce the release of the GTX 1080 Ti next month. I have never really kept track of Nvidia or Radeon's GPU release date histories. My question is if Nvidia is releasing a Ti card, what are the chances that they may announce a refresh or successor to their other cards like the GTX 1060 and 1070? The longest that I am willing to wait is mid-July, because I intend to have my 970 replaced before I head back to school with whatever is the current model series available. Thanks in advance.