Nvidia GTX Titan X Maxwell SLI vs Nvidia GTX Titan X Pascal


Jun 13, 2014

Simple question, will a single Pascal card outpreform Maxwells in SLI? I use two 2k IPS screens, and was wondering if maybe the Pascal card might be better than Maxwells in SLI.
No. SLI TX Maxwell have about 30/40% higher performance than single TITAN X Pascal. If You OC your TX M, and OC TX P, this numbers still works same :)

I have 2x TX Maxwell and 2x TX Pascal.

Single TX Maxwell OC for @1450/7800 outperform stock GTX 1080 and have performance like GTX 1080@2020/10 600.

Check this channel and tests with LOWER than i said, TX M clocks. TX M SLI vs TX P SLI and single TX M vs single TX P.

No. SLI TX Maxwell have about 30/40% higher performance than single TITAN X Pascal. If You OC your TX M, and OC TX P, this numbers still works same :)

I have 2x TX Maxwell and 2x TX Pascal.

Single TX Maxwell OC for @1450/7800 outperform stock GTX 1080 and have performance like GTX 1080@2020/10 600.

Check this channel and tests with LOWER than i said, TX M clocks. TX M SLI vs TX P SLI and single TX M vs single TX P.


Depends which game you are playing if playing a game with very good 60+% Scaling Titan X Maxwell SLI will beat a Titan X Pascal, but for most other games Titan X Pascal will be far better.

Its always best to get the single best card rather than dual card setups. Most games don't even support SLI or have very poor scaling.