Nvidia GTX960 power plug


Jun 11, 2016
Hi,there. I bought a Nvidia GTX 960 graphic card and it comes with two six pin power plugs ...do i need to plug both of them? my PSU have just one ( DELL D550P-00 550W)
thanks for so fast replys,....my PSU is a DELL 550p-00 550w and it have just one six pin wire...can i split this one into two with some adapter? (there is anhoter free cable but it only have five wires attached to it )
whats this connector for? could it work?
i.´ve asked to the graphic card seller and he tell me that it´s safe to add the second six pin cable from two molex connectors with a six pin adapter...so one more question before try it....it´s necessary update bios firmware or something that i needed to know?