These are all sad incremental cards with big names that don't mean anything. GTX? no, Super? No. There was a time only the highest end series was GTX and Super meant something. This ain't it.
I'm starting to wonder, are these starting to overlap and step over each other? I mean, is Nvidia trying to fill every segment, both real and imaginary?
My assumption is that, from lowest to highest performance. it will be as follows:
1650 Super
1650 Ti
1660 Super
1660 Ti
But at this point, I'm not sure of my assumptions - I mean . . how far apart are these going to be from each other? Or, are the Super cards going to outperform the Ti? Are the "plain Jane" versions (the ones that are non-Super and non-Ti) going away?
I'm a little confused as to what strategy, if any, exists here, other than a sort of semi-coherent flooding tactic. I get what the goal is, I just don't get the methodology.