Nvidia Now Licensing Keplar Cores, Visual Computing Patents

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TH Comments = I no longer consider them to rank at the top of tech sites. HOWEVER they have improved their rankings in my incompetency scale. An achievement to match the likes of AMD's 220w TDP
There's one computing device Nvidia will never get. My brain.

But then again Apple has successfully taken over the brains of Californians so it ain't impossible
Anyone else hope that Linus or the Free Software Foundation gets a license? You know, so maybe we'll get better Linux drivers?

Alternately, I am surprised that no one is talking about Intel using this to make APUs that don't suck. I really like AMD (and ATi), but when you factor in the power and ipc advantages that Intel CPUs have over AMD's in with the ability for Intel to put them on the same die as a real Geforce GPU, then what is left for AMD to shine at?

Still, AMD rocks for putting all the instruction sets on all their CPUs (hello $42 AMD APUs that have more features than $129 Intel CPUs) as well as unlocked multipliers on sub $80 processors.

I really don't want to see Intel steal AMD's thunder again (as they did with 64bit and quad core performance), but given Intel's resources it seems like a logical concern.
Nvidia would be smart to drop the prices of GPUs. Since AMD took a huge investment in console gaming, now is where Nvidia can show the world that a dedicated GPU in a PC will outperform a new console any day. Also, drop those prices so the PC market will get back on track. Quit trying to make up revenue by increasing prices when in fact, it only segregates the market more. The higher the prices you will only keep the business of enthusiasts. Lower the prices and bring in more business by hitting the average gamer class and people who can't afford to drop $500 on just a GPU.
I wouldn't say that Nvidia's pricing is poor in the mainstream market. The 650, 650ti and the 650 Boost products are well priced pretty much the same as the 7750, 7770, 7850, and 7790 parts from AMD. Their performance is similar as well. That seems to be reasonably well managed.

The thing is nvidia has no problem to sell their card. Company will only drop price when the sales are low or to clear invitory. No need to drop price if your card are selling just fine as it is. More money means they can fund their R&D better. Also dont expect the flagship model for both company to be cheap.


Maybe that was logical move to some people but nvidia wont do that. Also console and pc are two different market. Nvidia will not drop their price suddenly because of amd winning al console contract.
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