Nvidia PCSS Added To 'Dying Light: The Following'

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Last time I checked, GameWorks runs like crap on Nvidia cards too, especially if it's not a maxwell card. 780 Ti is crushed just as bad by GameWorks as any AMD card.

"However, enthusiasts wielding enough graphics horsepower looking to get the most visual fidelity from a 1080p display (or higher, if you’re a real baller) can feel free to turn on PCSS in Dying Light: The Following."

Yeah, because people are buying 980 Ti to run 1080p 60 FPS. I've seen YouTubers like Joker with Sli 980 Ti struggle with performance using GameWorks features at 1080p. It's piss poor that two of the best cards out cannot handle a GameWorks features that only marginally improve visuals, especially at 1080p.

Nvidia GameWorks is trash and Nvidia should be ashamed for such a sham of a developer relations program.
Last time I checked, GameWorks runs like crap on Nvidia cards too, especially if it's not a maxwell card. 780 Ti is crushed just as bad by GameWorks as any AMD card.

"However, enthusiasts wielding enough graphics horsepower looking to get the most visual fidelity from a 1080p display (or higher, if you’re a real baller) can feel free to turn on PCSS in Dying Light: The Following."

Yeah, because people are buying 980 Ti to run 1080p 60 FPS. I've seen YouTubers like Joker with Sli 980 Ti struggle with performance using GameWorks features at 1080p. It's piss poor that two of the best cards out cannot handle a GameWorks features that only marginally improve visuals, especially at 1080p.

Nvidia GameWorks is trash and Nvidia should be ashamed for such a sham of a developer relations program.

or you can just shut your trap and switch the PCSS feature off. you don't like the feature? then don't use it. you believe PCSS will hamper game performance? dont use it. problem solved. now for those folks that will be able to utilize it good for them.


" shut your trap" isn't an argument for, it's a "I don't have anything so I'm going to tell him to shutup" comment. How about this, if you cannot actually ague for it, why don't you go somewhere else instead of coming in and trying to dictate to others what they should do?

You do realize that the whole 4 people in the world who have quad Titan Xs wouldn't even enable Nvidia GameWorks features because there are much better ways to utilize their hardware. You do also realize that certain game integrate these features and they cannot be disabled, right?

The fact this feature exists means means it's fair game to debate it's performance impact. Go somewhere else if you don't like that.
I like the "PCSS Off' shadows better.. all they are doing is blurring shadows.

And the whole scene looks a lot darker....which could be a TOD thing, I'll have to try it myself before judging.

Edit: Just a TOD issue. It doesn't appear as bad as Nvidia's demo version. It's okay, didn't check my FPS prior to turning it on but no performance issues with it on.

Personally i like that Nvidia pushes the features of tomorrow already today... or the lazier of devs wont feel forced to adopt them. Too few developers are truly innovative when it comes to new gfx features and rather just do it "good enough" aka Console dev style. Things like this is pushing the bar further and it's optional so even when its a performance hit it shows whats around the corner in way more titles - Just like crysis for instance did and many were having a personal crysis 🙂)) about not beeing able to run it at max settings - It still was very scalable and most of the demanding features were optional....
I like the "PCSS Off' shadows better.. all they are doing is blurring shadows.

There are quite a few considerations about how they blur each shadow, just like each shadow in nature it have several factors dictating how blurred the shadow will be (distance to shadow casting object for instance). So no its not just general "standard" blur on every shadow hence the seemingly large performance hit on both brands...

" shut your trap" isn't an argument for, it's a "I don't have anything so I'm going to tell him to shutup" comment. How about this, if you cannot actually ague for it, why don't you go somewhere else instead of coming in and trying to dictate to others what they should do?

You do realize that the whole 4 people in the world who have quad Titan Xs wouldn't even enable Nvidia GameWorks features because there are much better ways to utilize their hardware. You do also realize that certain game integrate these features and they cannot be disabled, right?

The fact this feature exists means means it's fair game to debate it's performance impact. Go somewhere else if you don't like that.

" shut your trap" isn't an argument for, it's a "I don't have anything so I'm going to tell him to shutup" comment. How about this, if you cannot actually ague for it, why don't you go somewhere else instead of coming in and trying to dictate to others what they should do?

You do realize that the whole 4 people in the world who have quad Titan Xs wouldn't even enable Nvidia GameWorks features because there are much better ways to utilize their hardware. You do also realize that certain game integrate these features and they cannot be disabled, right?

The fact this feature exists means means it's fair game to debate it's performance impact. Go somewhere else if you don't like that.

" shut your trap" isn't an argument for, it's a "I don't have anything so I'm going to tell him to shutup" comment. How about this, if you cannot actually ague for it, why don't you go somewhere else instead of coming in and trying to dictate to others what they should do?

You do realize that the whole 4 people in the world who have quad Titan Xs wouldn't even enable Nvidia GameWorks features because there are much better ways to utilize their hardware. You do also realize that certain game integrate these features and they cannot be disabled, right?

The fact this feature exists means means it's fair game to debate it's performance impact. Go somewhere else if you don't like that.

so said so yourself that some people are not utilizing it. so again, what are you crying about? if you think there are better ways to implement go do it yourself. can you? you can't. AMD's alternative is nowhere to be seen. in fact, most AMD alternatives all looked good in paper but fell flat when it hit the market (hsa, trueaudio, tressfx, bullet)

instead of crying about it. just SWITCH THE DARN THING OFF. you've seen folks with 3 GTX titans not able to run it. again. SWITCH THE DARN THING OFF. you complain it doesn't add anything to your gaming experience. SWITCH THE DARN THING OFF.
IMO the value of nVidia's PCSS is muted in comparison to other soft shadow techniques. This was really demonstrated to me in GTA V...

Regarding the flame war, it's hard to deny that nVidia Gameworks titles are often plagued by lopsided performance issues...even with modern HW.

GW has rarely brought me an optimized AND beautiful experience.

You wouldn`t talk like that after buying an expensive 780Ti and see it perform like crap because Nvidia decides to gimp it in favour of the new cards, the same could happen with 980Ti. This is not good for the gaming industry, planned obsolescence.
(in tech)everything is under planned obsolescence. you live in a capitalist world. come on guys, be freaking realistic. every gameworks game out there is due to the incompetence of AMD in supporting devs and not offering any viable alternative. nvidia gets away with these because AMD is crap. how many games are using trueaudio? tressFX?

you guys are still not expecting everybody to hold hands and sing kumbayah in this cutthroat industry, it's getting old now.
I don't see how someone wouldn't be able to run something with SLI 980 Ti on 1080p. I've had 3 games that would dip to 50fps on a regular 980 with the most extreme of settings (Witcher 3 - Extreme Draw Distance, XCOM 2 & Rise of the Tomb Raider - Multisampling 8x). When these were switched a little lower, the games ran 60fps+ CONSTANTLY. Now please note that these aren't gameworks settings.
Nice to see some more graphics quality options being added to an older game. Just like most, or I guess 'some' people, I like to have the best image quality possible. Part of the tweaking process with a new game is to get that nice balance between Ultra/Maximum settings and just enough performance. It's good to have some more options to play with, and turn off if necessary.

If it weren't for Nvidia and their ability to outspend AMD on R&D by $100 million, I'm afraid graphics quality innovation would be stagnant. DSR, TXAA, FXAA, HBAO+, PCSS, Adaptive VSync, and on, we can all appreciate having these options available, even if we never use them, or can't use them, or if our system is not fast enough to run them. Better that they exist than not at all.
I was wondering why the latest patch caused the game to dip below 30fps on my 980 ti. Apparently they forgot to tell me that it was automatically switched on after the update :O
"If it weren't for Nvidia and their ability to outspend AMD on R&D by $100 million, I'm afraid graphics quality innovation would be stagnant."

Don't agree with that, the one with 100 million less r&d has done more for the industry lately then nvidia has. Specifically I'm referring to the push to streamline and multithread the graphics APIs. AMD showing what could be done with mantle have vastly influenced dx12 and vulcan; which should have a much larger impact on graphical visuals then anything else in a long time. We've been stuck with a non-parallel graphics pipeline for far too long.

AMD is crap ? Dude, Nvidia sold 2 generation of GPUs without full DX12 support but they were stating the other, and now when the first DX12 games/benchmarks come to light and every AMD GPU is much faster than their offering they start to cry about different reasons, and what baffles me is that the users are fine with the lie, first was 3.5 GB now is Async shaders missing. I bough my 290 card 2 years ago and i can still play current titles... i feel sorry for those with GTX 780Ti that get stomped by other cards from the new gen... as seen even in the benchmarks from Far Cry Primal.

Sorry but i don`t buy into this gameworks crap, lots of titles that work just fine on consoles that use AMD GPUS work like crap on the PC after Nvidia finished with it. And i stopped supporting this crap company starting with my 290. I was an all Nvidia guy since TNT2 to GTX 760, not anymore.

Everything labeled Nvidia is either expensive or hurting the industry. If you want to support this kind of bussines be my guest but i`m waiting for Pascal to see how the GTX980ti will be beaten by a 350$ card within a year. Also having to pay more on a monitor that has "g-sync" label on it .. because free is for the weak.

And if you want to see how bad they are just install an AMD GPU in your system, the Nvidia drivers will automatically deactivate PhysX :) tech that you already paid Nvidia to own and use.
Come on brand kiddos, be happy we have two major players who both contribute. I buy whatever is the best atm, color of the brand is less important than performance/features like it should be for all but the die-hard brand (blinded?) fanatics

How is any of that helping with graphics quality?

I`m all about corporate wars but what Nvidia is doing is cheating and not helping the so called competition. I`m aware that if any of the companies goes away, we as users will loose even more.

How? Having better optimised API for graphics to be able to put even more detail in the frame is not helping ? :)

what? why is dx12 an issue now? next gen is coming. and the first 2 dx12 games are hardly remarkable. and i don't freakin care about those who bought their 780ti's. that's their fault for going the nvidia route.

what i'm after is these folks that keep on crying "gameworks is crap blah blah cripple performance blah blah". like what i've said, turn that cr*p off if you don't like it. AMD is hardly innovative nowadays. remember their Gworks alternative? name any AAA game coming out this year or the next that supports it. hell i even forgot what it's called.

nvidia gets away with these moves because AMD is crap.

980 ti running @ 1440p with pcss enabled makes GPU usage drop below 50%, causing HUGE FPS drops. Happens in 1080p also. Game runs buttery smooth all the way to 4k without PCSS turned on. Anyone else having this issue? Not really a big deal since I can just turn it off, but I wouldn't mind being able to use this new feature.
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