Nvidia Redeem Key Redemption Query


Mar 17, 2013
I recently got a free Watchdogs 2 Nvidia key with my graphics card purchase (GTX1070), the kind you redeem online e.g. at https://redeem.geforce.com and ultimately gets redeemed into uplay.

Great to get a free game but the thing is, I think I am highly likely to receive this game as a Christmas gift, as I have been mentioning quite a lot about how I was excited to play it. Hence I am reluctant to redeem the one with the card in case I end up getting a duplicate as a gift as they can be a hassle to return, especially if you don't have the receipt.

On the other hand, if I don't receive it for Christmas I would be looking to use the Nvidia code but if I discover there is a problem with it by then the retailer might not be interested in helping out so late after my purchase. Therefore, I was wondering if there is anyway I can test the Nvidia/Geforce key is ok without actually using the code?

Seems a thing with these online platforms that they don't like you to check your redemption key, rather you have to just use it up straight away, which can easily lead to duplicates as my concern, steam and other platforms are the same, no idea why as it doesn't cost them anything till you actually proceed to redeem it. Seems a odd omission...

I personally would just use the key right away, then tell my friends and family that I have the game, just in case they might buy it for me. They can always get a refund.
If you have the key, why not use the key and then tell whoever you said you wanted the game that you already have it? Seems like a pretty clear solution.
Why have someone spend their money on something you got for "free".

Seems this is the best way to go, this is what I will do, thanks.

Still dunno why they can't just have a confirmation screen before you redeem a key though, really stupid, like on amazon (and virtually any other retailer) when you buy something you have a checkout screen where you can make sure everything is right before you 'commit' your order, sure they could do something similar but apparently can't be bothered to.