That's pretty naive. AI is used from anything from surveillance to guidance systems. More and more AI is used in pretty much everything, simply because it's an easy way to create algorithms that can learn what to do instead of programming every specific. You want robots to fight in the field? More accurate guns? Better night vision? AI is an answer. The possibilities are endless.
And sure, it's possible to do AI with weaker hardware. But the entire point is to slow the process down, to give the US an edge.
In the end, I don't think it will help. The Chinese will take over the world one way or another, and the US will tear itself from the inside before that. Still, it's reasonable for the US to at least make a bit of an effort.
China faces a lot of problems themselves, don't believe their image propaganda as a rising super-cities power. They still have a lot of poverty and crime. If we had the same open coverage for CN as we do for the U.S. (with shows like LWT, Documentaries, LSC etc.) we would have a different image of them.
Fact is, they are meeting a point where they have to move from producing things with cheap labour to higher living wage/standards and middle-class economy with hundreds of millions to a billion people.
The cheap labour processes will go to other Asian countries that will prosper economically, you may have even noticed glimpses of that shift in recent years.
China, due to it's political and societal nature, can't have a silicon valley as the U.S. does. It just can't flourish the same way because there is no open conversation and education in China. How can you have a bastion of invention and knowledge when you live under a regime of oppression and avoidance of "dangerous" ideas.
It may work out, but certainly not at the same efficiency.
I wanna see how that could possibly happen...Doesn't help that they had a one-child policy and a middle class that soon won't give birth to a lot of new young folks as it happens to every prospering developing society.
Count that in with the fact that those new generations will have to provide for the massive fleets of older ones and you'll see why they invest enormously in Automation and A.I.
Climate change is also a massive topic for them.