News Nvidia RTX 5090 FE reviews go live tomorrow at 6 AM PST — Custom AIB models will follow a day later

Literally could not care less about the 5000 series at this point. The 5090 and 5080 are simply too expensive for the 99%, the 5070 has 12GB VRAM which should be illegal on a midrange GPU in 2025 and will age about as well as milk despite Nvidia's talk of proprietary memory compression which may or may not be implemented in every game and may or may not live up to the hype, so the only one left is the 5070 Ti which only exists so Nvidia has a excuse to sell the neutered 5070,.

The GPU landscape is looking worse every year that goes by...Only thing we need now is for Nvidia to rebrand the 4070 as a 5060 and 4060 as a GTX series and we have the GTX 9800 alphabet soup nightmare again.
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Not sure why all the hype. Literally no one is going to be able to buy these things (well, unless you are a scalper).
In the new age of bots scalpers and ai we have to be the anomaly in order to survive!
Also there are rumors that 1st few weeks will be exclusive to brick and morter stores. So the scalpers will have to drive around waste resources and wait on lines like the rest of us. Hopefully this will discourage their waq hustle!
Also Microcenter already has an anti scalper policy in play via identification and one card per person. So let them try!
The 5090 AIB pricing starts at 10% higher than FE, all the way up to $2800 for top of the line ASUS. And they're all going to sell out next week. If the scalper bots don't get them, the Chinese resellers will.
Ok I just finished my Kidney surgery and emptied the penny jar… by George I think I have just enough to make this happen and maybe throw in a coffee too!
Nope. You will have to sell the other kidney as well. See the article today about ebay scalpers selling this card for $7K.