Nvidia Shield TV Update 3.0 Offers Marshmallow, Additional Storage Options And Customizations

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*sometime soon....
I literally checked last night around 10pm and it still wasn't ready. Hopefully soon since they claimed "by end of the year" in June or so.
Finally! Hopefully they'll improve how apps are stored on to the SD Card. Because right now it's as if it installs apps on to the SD Card but somehow still takes up space on your Internal Storage. So it's not making much of a difference. You never have enough Internal Storage. Another problem is it first installs the app on your Internal Storage and then moves it all to the SD Card rather than install it directly to your SD Card. So say you have 1gb of Internal Storage left, but the app you wanna install is 2.5gb. You're screwed unless you make room on your Internal Storage by deleting other apps. Android has always been terrible at handling storage. It loves to leave junk files laying around that take up storage space.
Orions, I haven't experienced any of that, and I have a ton of Tegra based games installed on my 16gb shield. They all get moved to the 64gb SD Card. Of the 11gb you actually get to use on the Shield, I still have 8.6gb available, despite having asphalt 8, doom 3, qube, oddworld, and talos principle installed. Something's wrong with whatever apps, SD Cards or settings you're using.
Hopefully this comes with some stability fixes. I love my Nvidia Shield so much more than my Apple TV, I'm just not use to all the hiccups and things just not working.
I was excited when the Shield TV arrived. I bought the 16gb version, a 128gb sd and a 500gb Samsung T1. That's after viewing Nvidia's YouTube explaining that any external store could be adopted.( the remote now is included).
I didn't like the idea of the Hybrid 500 Pro version, which was the only version that had reported difficulties, and I have not used an HHD drive for 10 years. The Sammy T1 seemed a good match with solid state speed and reliability.
I was all excited setting it up and bored my wif to the point she went shoe shopping and left the house.
After I figured out that the 3.0 Nvidia version had yet to be in play, not counting no Marshmellow. I blamed myself, until I went searching for a answer.
I set up Google alerts to be notified of the arrival of the huge upgrade as well as the release of the Nvidia X1 Shield Tablet 2.
Now I am stuck in Limbo, not wishing to do a full setup only to need to wipe it when 6.0 arrives.

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