Nvidia surround on Alienware 14

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Nov 28, 2015
I've been working on this for a while, and I can't figure it out. Here's my situation:

I have 3 monitors in total, two 1440x900s and one primary 1366x768. The two 1440s (Lenovo l197 wides) are identical. I connect them to the Alienware through one mini display port to DVI and one HDMI to DVI. When I go to the Nvidia control panel and try to configure surround, it's greyed out, because apparently the Nvidia control panel only detects one monitor. Intel control panel detects the other two, and the actual system control panel detects all three.

Screenshot of problem:

This is an Optimus system, meaning I have both a gt 750m and intel integrated 4600.

All I want is to get surround working. I don't really have a budget, so things like the matrox dualhead2go won't do it for me. I just wanna see elite dangerous on all three screens 😀 I really appreciate all help!
If that laptop has optimus technology then Nvidia Surround and even 3d vision are not compatible. Sorry. Reason being is that optimus uses both GPUs for image processing, the nvidia GPU makes the frames, then the IGPU just transfers them to the monitor. Without optimus, the nvidia GPU would do both, allowing nvidia's other technologies to work.

Well...yes and no. Yes if you have one of those RARE laptops where the descrete GPU is connected both to the IGPU and display outputs. However like I said before it's extremely rare.

I suggest you read the Optimus Whitepaper for more info.
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