Nvidia Surround with 3 Asus Swift Monitors and 2 Titan Z's

If you are considering spending this amount of money, then you should really do your research. The Titan Z is very underpowered, and a rip off. You are better off with 2 980s (or even Titan X's if you have the budget). The Asus Swift monitors require Displayport 1.2 connectors, so just look for GPUs with them.
from the looks of it, the titan z only has one display port plug, so two of them would be insufficient for an all display port surround set up.

honestly, go for something like two GTX 980's or a titan X. they are newer, run cooler, faster, and have the ports you need.
It will work but not as good as 3 Titan X's, and 3 Titan X's would be cheaper and you would have 3 DP ports to use. Do you already have the titan z's or can you get a really good deal on them? If you arn't getting some sort of deal, Three Titan X's is the way to go for that budget.

actually, i answered it. but i will elaborate.

the Swift requires display port plugs for video input, the GTX TITAN Z only has 1 display port output. thus two TITAN Z's in SLI will only be able to drive two SWIFT's. if you wish to drive three Swift's like you said, you will need a card with at least two display port plugs, in SLI. your other option is going for something like a GTX980 or a GTX Titan X which both have 3 display port plugs, making the SLI requirements null (but you wont get good frame rates driving 3 swifts with one card, so i would SLI anyways).

i hope this clarified things and answered your question.
and for the TLDR, No.
3 Titan X's better? or Even 4 then? Quad SLI? I really just want to run 3 Swift ASUS monitors with the best gaming performance I can get. I'm on a single 31inch Wide monitor now but have decided to go the 3 panel route.

Can I drive 3 Swifts with 3 or 4 Titan X's? If so which...

I've never tried however 3 Titan X's however in theory it will drive the monitors however not at max settings.
There also might be some compatibility problems... I'm not sure because I've never tried.

I have 1 Titan x and I swift and the Titan X does a good job with a single swift... lol

1 Titan X can use all 3 Swift monitors with G-sync. 2-4 is all possible as well, for better performance, though I might start with 2, and only consider adding more if you don't like how it performs.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX Titan X 12GB Video Card (3-Way SLI) ($999.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX Titan X 12GB Video Card (3-Way SLI) ($999.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX Titan X 12GB Video Card (3-Way SLI) ($999.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $2999.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-04-07 10:46 EDT-0400

I'd start with Two and add the 3rd if you feel its needed (adding a 3rd will only give about 15-20% better performance), I would not get 4. Going from 3 to 4 GPU's will give you next to no performance increase in games.

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