Nvidia surround with different displays?


Aug 19, 2014
Hi there folks. I just purchased the LG UM95 34 inch monitor with 3440 x 1440 resolution.


I would like to know if I purchased two of the Acer G257HU monitors with 2560 x 1440 resolution if I would be able the run them with nvidia surround?


I have two gtx 770's in sli so I should have enough power for them.

So do you mean the middle LG monitor would run at 2560 x 1440 even though it's ultra widescreen?

Yeah that doesn't sound like a good idea. I could slide the two acer's in front of the black bars on the LG but that would be weird. I guess I would just have to either get 3 acer's or 3 lg's. Thanks for the help.