News Nvidia's first CPU+GPU chips come to AI workstation desktop PCs — Grace Hopper Superchip systems start at $41,500

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Well, with Apple no longer selling $50,000 computers someone had to step in and fill that gap! I just went to the Apple website, the highest I can push up an Apple Pro tower with every hardware upcharge is around $12,000.

Nvidia was even kind enough to put it into a sort of cheese grating case. Albeit, gold-ish instead of silver. (The Nvidia tower looks closer to the towers from a decade ago IMHO)



Well, even if I had a lot of greenbacks to burn I would refuse to purchase this because of the poor cable management.

If you pay +$40,000 for a desktop computer it should look like it, and not look like it's wired up by a 5 year old.
Well, with Apple no longer selling $50,000 computers someone had to step in and fill that gap! I just went to the Apple website, the highest I can push up an Apple Pro tower with every hardware upcharge is around $12,000.

Nvidia was even kind enough to put it into a sort of cheese grating case. Albeit, gold-ish instead of silver. (The Nvidia tower looks closer to the towers from a decade ago IMHO)




tons of companies sell such systems, at least in terms of price tag.

If you are trying to tie the price tag to the ecosystem of standardized component based systems that are recognizable to normal consumer or low end workstation experienced users (ie built around socketed CPU and PCIE bus) most extremely expensive systems derive their price tag from comically expensive accelerator cards

for example, the tippy tip toppest range of Xylinx FPGA accelerators usually commands ~$100,000 per part price at any given point in time.

Thus you could easily build >$100,000 system simply by incorporating exactly 1 such card into its design.
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