Nvidia's Latest Game Ready Driver Covers 'Battleborn', Three Open Betas

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Do you have some sort of agreement with Nvidia to publish these or are people genuinely interested in knowing this? (seeing as they'll just get the update when they log on next...). Just curious :)
FWIW, TH publishes articles regarding AMD drivers whenever they release too. A quick read would also tell you enough that this article don't just contain "Hey, a driver is up!"
If Battleborn implementation of UE3 is as bad as in Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel, no driver will help. Expect random and dramatic framerate drops and everybody suggesting to turn off PhysX as the solution even though they have nothing to do with it. I sincerely hope that they will use a new engine for Borderlands 3, UE3 is now obsolete.
I played the early access beta for Overwatch last night without any issues that I could tell. We'll have to see if the update improves anything.
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