Nvidia's new troublesome drivers

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Mar 2, 2003
I have had a nvidia riva TNT2 32Mb AGP Graphcis card. The provider is Sparkle. I updated my graphics card drivers to detonator 21.43 and that ran fine until I recently decided to get Detonator 41 drivers. It has ruined my games even at default settings. I have tried to apply all of the effects to enhance it t no succession.

DirectX 8.1b would not cosnider this driver Microsoft signed which i presmue is the reason for the games running at a very slow rate!! Some like Nightfire 007 even refuse to run. Quake III Arena and Serious Sam run but at a real slow rate. It took five mins to exit the app!

I installed DirectX 9 and no change.

The drivers have also cause my videos to be very temperamental. One mnute they are smooth as butter and the next they are all speckled and dotty. So my idea was to remove them.

So i did, only to find that it caused a start up error message which i cant remove. I have tried all other alternatives even unintsalling all the drivers and relayering them form 20 to 41 - no success. It still produces that error message.

Please help me correct the graphcis driver problem and the message problem shoudl I want ot give the new grapichs driver the boot. My "Ferrari" PC is as follows: (shame it runs like an old mini cooper though!!!!)

AMD Athlon XP 2000+
10GB Hard Drive
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 🙂 Great but lost my Serial Ports and still crashes!!! :-(
nVidia Riva TNT2 32MB AGP Graphics card
Windows Me - should i go to Windows XP Pro, Longhorn XP Pro, Windows 2000 or sitck with Windows ME.

Thanks for your time.

The first problem is your video card. Let's be honest, it's ancient. Nvidia's drivers 20 series and beyond aren't really geared to the TNTs. THe 40 series is optimized for the GF4 line of hardware. Your card supports Directx 7 at the hardware level so it is doubtful that DX9 would have helped your problem in any way.
If you created a restore point before installing DX9 revert to DX8.
Go online and find a program called Detonator Destroyer and run it. This will get rid of the new drivers.
Instal early 20 series or pre-20 series drivers and try that.
As far as ME is concerned it's probably the worst OS in use. Get yourself a copy of WinX Home or Pro and do yourself a favor:don't upgrade your current installation. Backup important info and then format and re-instal (this is also the quickest way to solve your problems).

Video card suggestions: Radeon 9500 Pro, GF4 Ti4200, Radeon 8500 (in order of preference and cost).

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yeah. do a search for detonator drivers, and dont go anywhere beyond 2x series.
I too have found that for my geforce2pro its best if i stick to earlier drivers.

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i have the same problem and i have a Geforce 4 mx440 se 64mb sdr agp
athlon 2600+ 333fsb
512 mb ddr memory

nfs 5 and chicken invaders runs real slow with the detonator drivers 40.00 and up and uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't help at all.....nvidia has no support at all for thses kind of things the suck big tim in that area and that is making me thing of ati now cause i was gonna try to secure a fx.........
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