nvlddmkm evenement 4101

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Jan 6, 2019
Hello, I recently upgraded my pc (I bought a SSD, a hard drive and 4GB of storage and more) and then this change occurred in the Games with as event: nvlddmkm event 4101 (L application xxx.exe could not access your video hardware)

So I did my research, observing that this is a really known problem, I had the hope to find a solution. So I tried many and many solutions but nothing changes (registry editor, delete / replace nvlddmkm file, uninstall / reinstall the graphics card). did not change and said that I had never done it and really used to solving my computer problems alone. I really need help please because this position is uncomfortable. Thank you!

ps: I of course try all the solutions of uppercase type of drivers uninstall game, replace the disk and the hard drive etc etc ... And the graphics card is in good condition because before I touch my hardware it is very well .

( sry for Google trad but no one in my country want to help me xD )

My pc:

MSI GE70 0ND-225FR:
8GB ram
intel core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz
Nividia gtx 660M
SSD 110 GB
WIndows 10

Power suply :
DTK POWER model😀L-90W

I installed my ssd, then I installed windows cleanly (official license). I even like trying to reinstall Windows. The games run very well but some moments and some games, the image of the game freeze but I hear the sound of the game continues to run. No message error but when i go to the evenement observateur i see the crash "nvlddmkm"

Did you install the drivers from MSI support site? If you used the drivers from nVidia directly that may cause issues. For that age system the video card may be failing also.

Did the issues start soon as you did the upgrade to SSD and re-installed Windows or a bit of time passed?

1: i installed the ssd on my laptop then i installed windows is a usb root

2: i installed the latest nvidia drivers on the website of nvidia.

3: yes instanltly

I've already reinstalled my drivers, I don't understand :/ ur step


From nVIdia website

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