NVMe Drive not appearing?


Nov 29, 2017
I got a brand new ADATA 512Gb NVMe M.2 drive (ASX7000NP-512GT-C) and am using an ASRock AB350 Pro4 motherboard. I inserted the drive into the Ultra M.2 slot, until it clicked, and then screwed it down on the 2280 standoff. I tried booting with and without my SATA HDD, and both times it says that the M.2 slot is "not occupied" in BIOS. I tried turning on and off CSM and it didn't help. When booting into windows on my hard drive, it does not detect the empty drive in either Drive Manager or EaseUS Partition Manager. My motherboard is on the current 4.40 Firmware and the drive is warm to the touch so its getting power, just not being recognized?

I tried that solution and with CSM turned off it still didn't recognize my NVMe drive. So I'm not sure if theres something wrong with the drive or the slot on the motherboard, maybe.
If there's an other OS option in the BIOS change it to that. See what happens

Altho the Asrock site says

*M2_2 and SATA3_3 share lanes. If either one of them is in use, the other one will be disabled.

**If M2_1 is occupied, PCIE4 will be disabled.
Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks
NVME SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Your M.2 SSD contains UEFI driver information within the firmware. By disabling the CSM module Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver.

When installing Windows 10:

1- The M.2 drive has to be the only drive installed.

2 - Insert a USB memory stick with a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup on it.
I removed all the SATA drives and disabling CSM/ changing the Storage setting to UEFI-only rather than Legacy-only and it still didn't notice the drive?

Also, I tried to run it in the standard M.2 port and it wouldn't boot into Windows, even if my main HDD wasn't in the conflicting SATA 3 port (I tried SATA 4 and SATA 5 to no avail). It says "Please insert bootable media and try again"